
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Look! It's about Slovakia!

In November, MTW contacted me and asking if I thought Marek Tomašovič (a young man that many of you have prayed for and is very special to me) would be willing to share about his faith journey and how the Lord is working in his life.   I knew that he would be:)

So now, several months later -- here's Marek and Hana (another young woman I have known since she was in high school).  They're on page 4.

There is also a great article about what is going on in Eastern Slovakia.


Friday, March 1, 2013

Strawberry Picking

Most people in Slovakia either have a garden of their own or have an aunt or uncle or grandparents that do - and usually they grow a lot.  Slovaks are a very giving and hospitable people and it's not  uncommon for friends to give you (or make you take) boxes or buckets filled with fruit. 

The result is that you eat A LOT of what's in season and then you make jam!  One of my dear friends taught me how to make jam one afternoon.  She taught me a way to make it without having to process the jars.  (Processing the jars is making the jam, putting it in the jars, and then submerging them in boiling water.)  It makes the whole process much easier!  It was a memorable afternoon because she is also a single mom and was one of the first people I really talked with when I was praying about adopting Evan.

Last February my sister, Karen, was visiting with her kids and we decided to go strawberry picking.   We thought we would go and pick some.  Two adults and four kids five and under.  How much could we pick?  We ended up picking 50 POUNDS!  It was fun, and I got lots of jam-making practice.

This year it was time to go again, and Evan and I went with some dear friends from Sarasota.  Last Monday, Bekah and her two children and Evan and I again went strawberry picking.  We picked with moderation this year!!  Altogether we picked about 26 pounds which was just right.  Enough for some jam, for eating, and for freezing.  It was a beautiful sunny day.  The farm that we went to has a small petting zoo and playground. 

We had a wonderful time - I love it when I can mix my lives (my European one and my American one) together.  

Getting ready
Bekah and her daughter

Finding the perfect one!

Feeding the goats

I'm not sure who was feeding whom.  The cow decided Alice's fingers were food too.

Some fun times....

Getting ready to GO!

Evan and I have had the privilege of spending lots of time with friends recently - both old friends and new friends! 

Friday, February 1- Sunday, February 3 at Chattanooga Valley Presbyterian Church (Flintstone, Georgia)

Visiting with this church family was so much fun.  We got to visit and share with people about what God is calling us to do, visit with family (my sister Karen lives there with her husband and three young children, as does my brother Ben with his wife and their boys, and my little sister Laura), and with a real live Czech:)  Lucka is from the Prague area, married an MK (a missionary kid), and now lives with her husband and their children in Chattanooga. 

And visit with Johnny and Annette Johnson (my new teammates).  They were in the States over the holidays and part of January and February. 

Here are a few pictures of the cousins:

We tried to get them together. At least Roger is looking at the camera!

We gave up and let the jump around!

Evan at the Chattanooga aquarium. He was enthralled with the snake and wasn't sure if he loved it or hated it.

Sunday, February 17 at Grace Presbyterian Church (Lake Suzy, Florida)

Wednesday, February 20 - Sunday, February24 at Westminster Presbyterian Church (Ft. Myers, Florida)

This weekend is the missions conference at my home church!  I get to play the role of the missionary and the missions committee member - it will be fun!!

Visiting with people really is such a joy.  It is so much fun to get the privilege of being with you all - to hear your stories and get to know you a little more.  Evan has also really enjoyed it all.  He is an amazing blessing.   He is adaptable and really enjoys getting to know new people.  He has made MANY new friends.

Thanks for your love and prayers!
Miriam and Evan