
Thursday, July 18, 2013

LOTS of pictures!!!!

Well, I was trying to upload a lot of pictures as a slideshow or link them somehow, but I couldn't quite figure out how best to do that.  So, rather than spending another 20 minutes -- here are lots of pictures!  I'll put captions on them to give you some idea as to what they are!!

Typical housing

Evan with Pat and Mat (very famous Czechoslovak characters - you can see them here:

At a bounce house in downtown Zlin
 More after the jump.....

More bounce house

And more - even though he was by himself I think he was the loudest one!  Such an American!

A local playground

An elementary school

Closer up view of the school

The Seventh Day Adventist Church where the Reformed Church (our new church) meets on Sundays

The Sanctuary

The entry hallway

Looking down from the balcony

An upstairs classroom

One of the main Children's Church classrooms

View from the outside - it's in a very pretty location

The parking lot

A picture of downtown - the square or center

Evan playing in the park

More playing!

Being silly!

Using the timer

The local "mall"  -  where you can buy almost anything

Tomas Bata University

Another playground

Another typical apartment building



Zlin from the top of one of the tallest buildings





  1. Loved seeing all the pictures! Fun thinking "I've been there too". God's blessings on your time. We are praying...

  2. Thanks for keeping me up to date. I see Zlin has many parks for Evan to play in. How nice! Evan and you look so happy! God is good!

    connie miller
